Everything is perfect
try that on for size
new way of being
let me help you decide
why fight what is
rather unpack hidden gift
suffering sourced by wishing
present moment not this
how would one know
this isn't right
unless experienced directly
brought forward in life
but bad things really happen
I hear what you're saying
cause n' effect lesson
chance at empowered playing
with reality
no guaranteed picnic
up and down sine wave
avoid fantasy sickness
try thinking of every way
you've wronged others
now multiply by 100,000
includes previous lives as preying mantis lover
now you see
the role of malefics
in your natal chart
karma's perfect balancing act
godly work of art
so if this moment is perfect
what about ailments going all the way back
no room for victims
this what your soul asked
so when you cross paths
with some troubling
just say magic words
this is perfect for understanding _________
then fill in the blank
careful you say
you may just slip back
thinking this isn't a perfect way.
Day Gun